I have an idea for your kid’s Christmas present: braces.
That sounds awful doesn’t it?
“Hey little Johnny, I know you really wanted that GI Joe but Mommy and Daddy are getting you braces instead. Merry Christmas.”
Look… do not get your child braces for Christmas because they’ll surely call DSS on you, and maybe me. However, since we’re on the subject, suppose there was an alternative to traditional metal braces? Something that wasn’t so obtrusive, something that didn’t shine like stainless steel and didn’t taste like a train track. Well, we have just what you’re looking for. Invisalign Teeth Aligners. No kidding. They’re practically transparent so they’re virtually unnoticeable and they go largely unnoticed by most people. That’s not to say no one will notice your aligners, though. A small portion of people will inevitably notice them if they’re in close proximity to you. But unlike braces, their visibility is greatly reduced, which is an added bonus not for the little ones that want a little extra confidence during their treatment.
Invisalign Aligners do require a bit of attention, however, they’re a 21st century alternative to traditional braces. They’re more comfortable and much more convenient than traditional braces. Each set of Invisalign Aligners are custom made to fit the patient perfectly. One of my parents remembers telling a joke to his friends when he was little and wearing braces.

“Braces are the best!” Said no one ever.
“The best thing about braces is if you’re ever hungry you have an entire meal stuck in your teeth.” Then he’d pull out a toothpick, dig around a bit, make a yummy sound then announce: “Man, do I love steak.”
Moms and Dads, feel free to spoil your little ones this Christmas with all manner of games, toys, books, and clothes. Come January, when you’d like to discuss the importance of properly aligned teeth, just give us a call or click here to learn more.
Happiest of Holidays as we stare down December.
~ Mark